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Review of the Pre-Anthropocene Museum

Come closer.

This re-creation of what

a forest would’ve been is


Who knew rabbits had six legs

like other insects, that birds

had no feet but would land

on their bellies, borne aloft

by gas bubbles and parasitic bees

while tigers had trunks for storage

of fur clothes and pet flowers.

Early humans had webbed feet

and gills, of course, carrying

children in stomach-pouches.

What a relief

we are now

so evolved.

A J Dalton ( is a UK-based writer. He’s published the Empire of the Saviours trilogy with Gollancz Orion, The Satanic in Science Fiction and Fantasy with Luna Press, the Dark Woods Rising and Digital Desires poetry collections, and other bits and bobs. He lives with his monstrously oppressive cat named Cleopatra.

Ninja Jo artwork for Radon Journal Issue 9
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