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If They Get Their Way

If they get their way

they'll refuse to hire you

because you’re trans

and then they’ll tell you

that transition doesn’t work

when the trans can’t get jobs.

If they get their way

they'll make you scared

to step outside your door

and then they’ll tell you

that transition doesn’t work

when the trans don’t leave the house.

If they get their way

they'll refuse

to let you use the bathroom

and then they’ll tell you

that transition doesn’t work

when the trans don’t socialize.

If you’re not happy

they'll tell you

that transition doesn’t work


—the trans aren’t happy

and if somehow

against the odds

you manage to be happy

they’ll tell you

that transition doesn’t work


—the trans don’t know

that they’re not supposed

to be happy.

Keira Reynolds (she/her) is a trans woman. She used to write code, now she writes short stories—mostly fantasy. Mostly. She has had short stories published in All Worlds Wayfarer, Little Blue Marble, Andromeda Spaceways Magazine, and elsewhere. She lives with her wife Julie in County Kerry, Ireland, and occasionally posts random thoughts on her blog at

Radon Journal Issue 6 cover art
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